We measure the impact of the project based on the reports given by the decision-makers. For each insight, the project admins need to define whether it changed a decision, helped to make a decision, or got totally rejected because it was irrespective of the decision. If there were no decisions made in the project, its impact will not be presented at all.
After admins make their decisions, the site asks them to define each insight’s impact on their decision.
CHANGED: The insight changed your direction or helped you make a decision that you hadn’t considered. Projects with at least one insight that changed a decision will be defined as impactful. Participants with answers linked to this insight will be defined as supporters.
HELPED: The insight supported a decision that was going to be made, regardless of the project. Participants with answers linked to this insight will be defined as supporters, but we’ll need at least one insight that changed a decision to define the project as impactful.
REJECTED: The insight got rejected because it cannot be implemented or there is reason to believe it cannot work. Participants with answers linked to this insight will be defined as opposing your decision, and the entire project will be defined similarly.
A project with impact is a project where at least one insight changed at least one decision.