What are the analytical tasks presented to the participants?

After adding an answer, the participants will be asked to perform various tasks such as highlighting their answer, and linking the highlights to an insight. In addition, they will be invited to the task interface, where additional tasks will be presented to them. While participants will mostly process their own answers in the answer flow, they can also help process others’ answers in the task interface.

Participants can be asked to process answers in the following places: 

  • After adding an answer, each participant will be asked to perform analytical tasks for the new answer (such as highlighting an important point or linking the highlight to an existing insight).
  • When the number of answers exceeds 20, the participants will be invited to the task interface by a widget on the site. In the interface, they will be asked to analyze others’ answers.
  • Once the project is closed and no new answers can be released, participants may receive an email asking them to perform analytical tasks through the task interface. This email will be sent only if their involvement is needed.

What happens if participants are not willing to help with the analysis?

This has never been the case. However, if in fact no participants are willing to help after several requests, then the project admins will need to perform the analytical tasks themselves.

What are the analytical tasks presented to the participants?