how do you enter decisions or references in the process

In order to enter decisions or references in the process the following steps must be taken:

(You can previously change the definition in the process from 'Decisions' to 'References'.

1. Enter the management interface and the management menu within it.

2. Under the process definitions you can switch between decisions and references (or vice versa).

Option A:

1. Enter the user interface.

2. Enter the reference / decisions pageUnder each insight enter in the template opened the decisions, and mark to what extent the insight gathered influenced the actual decision making.

Option B:

1. Enter the management interface.

2. Under the management menu, select "Reference insights"

3. Now under each insight, one should put in the template that opens the decisions, and mark to what extent the insight gathered influenced the actual decision making.

4. When finished, click OK on References / Decisions.

how do you enter decisions or references in the process