How to manage stakeholder groups in questions?

One major phase in planning your project is defining the groups of stakeholders to whom you plan to reach out. In the “Groups” page of the project admin, you can define the different groups, view all participants, and invite new ones. By defining groups, the website can deliberately present answers of one group to another, in order to engage different groups and prevent homogenous thinking. In the project’s later phases, you’ll be able to determine which groups support which insights.

What is the benefit of managing users in groups?

Grouping enables your site to better engage different groups of people in order to generate new thinking. In addition, allocating members to groups enables you to monitor the source of the insights (who said what?), track patterns of participation, and communicate differently to various stakeholders.

How to manage groups?

Enter a project on your site, go to the admin interface, and click “Groups” on the left-side menu. Here you can add a new group or delete existing groups. When you delete a group, its members will be moved into the default group.

What happens to members when you remove them from a group?

When you delete an entire group or remove individual group members, the members will remain in the project. However, they will be reassigned to the default group. You will not be able to restore the original group; this action is irreversible.

How to manage stakeholder groups in questions?